Digital marketing agency
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The year 2020 – a year to remember! A virus so small that it cannot be seen without a microscope, has changed the entire dynamics of the globe. The way we think, the way we move, the way we interact, the way we work, the way we eat, the way we study – everything has changed. Covid 19 virus has impacted our ways of life drastically, sparing no one. How iBrand Digital plays its role in these hard times.

The COVID Opportunity:

Every crisis brings an opportunity. Where Covid 19 has left masses in grief, misery and sorrow, some companies, some business sectors and some industries have witnessed growth due to the shifting trends.

Ibrand digital

Without any doubts, Information Technology is leading the charts. When social distancing and avoiding physical interaction became the new normal, Information Technology supported the falling structure of global economies. It enabled virtual meetups, remote working, online services and electronic entertainment which kept the wheel rolling.

iBrand Digital in reaction to COVID:

When COVID 19 shook the world, we – the team iBrand Digital – had two options:

  • Either we could thrive upon the lucrative business opportunity that Covid offered to digital companies
  • OR we could use our technical and digital expertise to offer a helping hand to the people and ventures in need.

Without any disagreements or second thoughts, we decided to be SAVIOURS instead of being SAVERS. Since that day, we have been working tirelessly to provide digital solutions to our clients during the hard post-Covid times.

Let us brief you how we are doing it.


We are offering our digital services to clients at rates lower than the market rate. We have chosen to suppress our profit margin so that the clients can well afford our services in this situation of turmoil. In this way, more customers can avail of our services and give their business a boost to sustain the tough time. We – at iBrand Digital – strive to facilitate our customers to the fullest. The low charges during Covid 19 are also a step towards customer satisfaction and delight.

COVID Packages:

In response to the current global situation in the hands of coronavirus, iBrand Digital has launched special packages for our clients and potential customers. The Covid packages include:

These packages serve to provide wholesome services your business needs while staying economical to your pocket.

Recruitment platforms:

Since a large number of businesses of all scales had to go for downsizing during Covid 19, it resulted in thousands of people losing their jobs. They were deprived of their means to pull on their families. In this painful situation, we have developed a digital recruitment platform where the recruiters can post the vacancies and the candidates can access the opportunities online. It is a small attempt to bring peace and stability to the community.

E-commerce platforms:

Covid 19 apparently hits the lungs, but it has actually hit us in every possible way. The way people used to sell and shop has been drastically impacted since social distancing and avoiding public places is the new norm. This is why eCommerce spiked up with the onset of Coronavirus. We develop top of the line eCommerce platforms for you to start your new e-store or take your existing business online. If you think you can turn this crisis into an opportunity for your business, eCommerce is your gateway to success.

Electronic Education and e-learning:

With our kids not being safe anymore to physically attend the school, college and university, virtual education replaced the traditional classrooms till the situation gets back to normal. Here the role of digital and technological companies again comes into action. We strive to provide our clients the best tools to make e-learning handy and helpful.

Social media marketing:

You have a great venture providing quality products or services, but you’re unable to communicate it to the target audience. Now what? Your business is in danger! Marketing is as important as developing a quality product. Social media marketing had been the “in” thing for the past few years, but with the Covid strike, it’s significance has increased manifold.

People are spending more time on social media due to lockdowns and it is your chance to get noticed through social channels. iBrand Digital provides social media marketing services to support the businesses at affordable rates. While we work on your marketing side, you can focus on your core business functions and thus create synergies.

Website development:

With the boom of E-commerce and digital marketing during pandemic, businesses are fastly moving towards developing, maintaining or restructuring their websites for improvement. We specialize in this area and are offering our services at lower than market rate to help masses benefit from having their online presence.

Digital designs:

It may seem to have negligible significance but your designs radiate the level of quality, attention to detail and the personality of your business to the customers. Today’s customer is smart and knows where to draw inferences from. Be it your logo or your web design, if you are looking to sustain as a business you cannot cut corners on it. We have a history of creating simple to intricate designs for our clients and our services are available for the potential clients as well.

Healthcare services:

If you’re a healthcare professional and want to digitalize your systems due to the increasing demand during Covid 19, we will be more than happy to serve you with all the expertise that we have. It would be our utmost priority to facilitate our frontline soldiers fighting against this pandemic.

On one hand, the world has witnessed suffering and misery during this pandemic. On the other hand, we have seen selfless help, charity and sacrifice that has given us hope in bleak hours. iBrand Digital has vowed to offer a helping hand to the clients and prospects as and when needed!

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